Minion Method Problems


New member
Thanks for starting this thread Drum. I have only used briquettes in my drum because I figured they where easier to cook with, but after seeing your videos I'm going to try some lump. Anything to watch out for cooking on lump?

Glad it helped. Truth is I have been using Kingsford blue bag for most of my cooking this summer. I raided Home Depot on Memorial Day weekend and bought a ton. Lump is easy. Don't sweat it. If I can give any advice at all, it's to not overthink this stuff. Keep the drum and the fire clean. Keep whatever charcoal and wood you use dry. Healthy fire on any fuel tastes great. Lump does a slightly better flavor, at least from the Frontier I use, but the company that eats it doesn't know any better. Everybody loves the hero, and at the BBQ, that's us. The cooks!
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